Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot some common issues. As always, if something comes up, email and we’ll help you sort things out.
BEFORE YOU EMAIL US try clearing the history/cookies/cache, and then logging back in. This is the first thing we ask you to do anyway, and we find this solves a great majority of the issues our users experience! If the problem persists, you can check below for more detailed troubleshooting topics or you may email us.
I’m a member. How do I log in?
This part of the DIY MFA site is for members of our courses and paid programs.
If you’re a member of one of these programs, go to or click the “Sign In” link on the main page, as shown below (A). When prompted, enter your email and password. Boom! You’re in.
If you’re not a member but would like to learn more about our courses and programs, you can join our newsletter (B) right from that page. When you subscribe, you’ll automatically get added to the waiting lists for our signature programs.

How do I change my password?
Great question! Whether you lost your password, or simply want to change it for security reasons, you can do it all by going to and clicking the “Lost your password?” link.

TIP: Sign up for a free account at and use it to store all your online passwords. Basically, you create one super-secure (and memorable) password for LastPass and then store all other passwords in the vault.
LastPass also lets you share passwords with other people (like a web designer for your author site or social media assistant) without them being able to see your actual passwords. This is one of the go-to tools that we use at Team DIY MFA.
How do I update my credit card info?
Step 1: Account >> Billing Information.

Step 2: Once on that page, you’ll be able to see past payments as well as your ongoing subscriptions, and a button that says “Update card.”
Step 3: Click that button and follow the prompts to change your credit card info.

NOTE: This interface allows us to keep your credit card info secure because your card number gets masked. No one will see your full credit card number and other sensitive info except you.
When I click an icon on my dashboard, it sends me back to login.
This may be an issue with the cache on your browser. The cache is an important feature with your browser because it stores certain information locally instead of having to draw that info from the server every time you load a site. This helps sites load faster and makes for a better user experience.
That said, sometimes having information stored locally in the cache can cause glitches. For instance, if we make an update to the website on the server side, your browser’s cache might still “remember” the old version and those conflicting versions can cause your browser to hiccup.
To solve this problem, follow these steps:
- Clear the browser history in your browser.
- Logout of the members site.
- Go to and log back in.
If after following these steps, you still can’t access the programs in your dashboard, contact support.
Please note: Certain browsers are more reliable than others. We recommend using Firefox or Chrome, as Safari and Explorer may sometimes be temperamental.
What are those icons under the videos?
The icons under the video lessons in DIY MFA courses allow you to download all of the materials that go with that video. To know what each button means, use the key below:

Oh no! My access is blocked!
Do you block cookies in your browser? If so, this might be an issue with your cookies. (No, not the delicious kind that you eat. The computer kind.)
This problem is easy to fix. Just add to the exception list for your browser and that should solve the problem going forward.
Now all you need to do is reset your cookies. Depending on what browser you use, these steps may vary, but here are for resetting your cookies in Chrome.

- In Chrome, when on the site, hit F12 then right-click the refresh button and select Empty Cache and Hard Reload
- Next, login to the site here:
- Finally, visit the course page and select the module you want to access.
NOTE: Depending on how your browser is set up, it may revert to its old cookies settings at certain times (like if you install an update). If you find yourself unable to access a module you were able to access before, just do these quick steps again.
Help! I can’t login.
Did you just get an error message saying you’ve been blocked?
When you accidentally mis-enter your password or login a few times in a row, the server will automatically lock you out of the site. This protects our community from spammers and hackers, but sometimes… alas… one of our own temporarily gets the boot.
In the event that this happens to you, remember that you are in good company. Even Gabriela has been known to get locked out on occasion (and she RUNS the site, for heavens sake!). It’s an automated thing that’s there for our protection.
Just send an email to support [at] DIYMFA [dot] com and we’ll get you back in business in no time. To expedite the process, do a quick screenshot of the error message you’re seeing and make sure to mention what browser and operating system (Mac or PC) you’re using.
As they say in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
DON’T PANIC. And don’t forget to bring your towel.
What is your refund policy?
For our courses DIY MFA 101 (101) and Pixels to Platform (P2P), we offer a 14-day, 100% money-back guarantee, as long as you show that you have done the coursework up to that point. This means you can try the course for a full 14 days and if you decide it is not for you, we’ll refund your money.
That said, we believe in these course and we have seen writers get epic results and make huge strides in their careers when they implement the materials. We are confident that if you do the work and apply the tools, you will see results. This is why we will need to see your completed coursework (of modules released to that point) in order to process your refund.
If after trying the course and doing the work, you are still not completely satisfied, we’ll happily refund your money. We want you to invest in the tools that will help you succeed! Just email the support team at support[at]DIYMFA[dot]com to get the ball rolling. It’s that simple.
For our DIY MFA Members HUB (HUB) we do not offer refunds for previous payments because it is a subscription service. That said, you can cancel your subscription at any time. See below for more details.
How do I cancel a HUB subscription?
You can cancel your HUB subscription at any time. Just email support[at]DIYMFA[dot]com and we will take care of that right away. You will continue to have access to the HUB until the end of your current billing period, and will not receive any future charges. At the end of the billing period, your access to the HUB will expire.
Note: Keep in mind that if you joined the HUB via a special deal and received special pricing, that pricing will only remain in effect while you are a member in good standing. If you choose to cancel and want to rejoin later, it will be at whatever our new rate is.
IMPORTANT: The way to cancel your HUB subscription is to email support[at]DIYMFA[dot]com and not by merely unsubscribing from our email list. Your email list subscription is not the same as your HUB membership. Please contact support via the email above in order to insure your cancellation goes through. We will make sure everything is squared away so you will not receive future charges.
What does “in good standing” mean?
A member is in good standing if they are up-to-date with their payments on DIY MFA courses and programs. A member is not in good standing if they miss 3 monthly or installment payments (i.e. payments for any DIY MFA program) or one annual payment and does not fix the problem. We will make reasonable efforts to alert the member and help them rectify the non-payment. If a member is not in good standing, we reserve the right to cancel their membership to the HUB and other DIY MFA programs. We also will not allow this member to enroll in any future DIY MFA programs.